dbKidsOnline is a weekly online lesson for those dbKids families who miss weekend services but are still desiring to have a kids lesson at home.
June 19, 2022
This Sunday, the littlest dbKids will be learning about the church community, ages 3 through 4th grade will be learning about Ruth's boldness, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be continuing with their current series discussing how God equips us for spiritual warfare. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
June 12, 2022
This Sunday, the littlest dbKids will be learning about friends, ages 3 through 4th grade will be learning about hope in the Book of Ruth, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be continuing with their current series discussing how they are never alone. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
June 5, 2022
This Sunday we begin new series for our Nursery and younger Elementary kids! The littlest dbKids will be learning about family, ages 3 through 4th grade will be starting the Book of Ruth, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be continuing with their current series and discussing spiritual gifts. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
May 29, 2022
This 5th Sunday, our littlest dbKids will be learning about elephants & giraffes, ages 3 through 4th grade will be enjoying worship, fellowship & review, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be discussing how we as believers have the gift of the Holy Spirit. Our 5th Sunday video will go live Sunday at 8am.
May 22, 2022
This last week of our Messengers series, our littlest dbKids will be learning about snakes, ages 3 through 4th grade will be learning about Paul and Silas in jail, and our 5th graders will be discussing how we are called to spread the good news of Jesus. Our video covering our Messengers (Acts) lesson will go live Sunday at 8am.
May 15, 2022
This weekend, our littlest dbKids will be learning about lions & tigers, ages 3 through 4th grade will be learning about Paul’s second missionary trip in the book of Acts, and our 5th graders will be discussing how we are significant to God and made to do His works. Our video covering our Messengers (Acts) lesson will go live Sunday at 8am.
May 8, 2022
This weekend, our littlest dbKids will be learning about hippos & rhinos, ages 3 through 4th grade will be learning about Peter’s vision in the book of Acts, and our 5th graders will be discussing how we are secure in Jesus. Our video covering our Messengers (Acts) lesson will go live Sunday at 8am.
May 1, 2022
This first weekend in May, our littlest dbKids will be learning about sheep, ages 3 through 4th grade will start learning about being Jesus’ messengers in the book of Acts, and our 5th graders will be discussing how we are accepted by God. Our video covering our Messengers (Acts) lesson will go live Sunday at 8am.
April 24, 2022
This final lesson in our Did You Know series, our dbKids will be learning about ducks & chickens, about how Jesus did the unexpected in and after His resurrection, and discussing how God is full of forgiveness and mercy. Our video covering our Did You Know lesson will go live Sunday at 8am.
April 17, 2022
This week, our dbKids will be celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection, learning how God came back to life, and discussing how sin affects our identity. Our video covering our Did You Know? lesson will go live Sunday at 8am! Happy Resurrection Day!
April 10, 2022
This week, our dbKids will be learning more about God’s creativity in animals and insects, learning how God declares Jesus is King, and what God says our purpose is. Our video covering our Did You Know? lesson will go live Sunday at 8am!
April 3, 2022
This week, our dbKids will be learning more about God’s creativity in animals, talking about how Jesus knew His purpose, and who God says we are. Our video covering our Did You Know? lesson will go live Sunday at 8am!
March 27, 2022
This final week in our Ministry of Jesus series, we learn the story of the Lost Sheep! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
March 20, 2022
This week in our Ministry of Jesus series, we learn about taking time to help others. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
March 13, 2022
This week in our Ministry of Jesus series, we learn through the story of the boy with an unclean spirit that Jesus is powerful! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
March 6, 2022
This first week in our Ministry of Jesus series, we learn how Jesus fought temptation, and that we can too. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
February 27, 2022
This final week in our Teachings of Jesus series, we talk about how Jesus is God’s Son! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
February 20, 2022
This week in our Teachings of Jesus series, we learn how Jesus wants us to love our enemies! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
February 13, 2022
This week in our Teachings of Jesus series, we learn how our struggles can bring us closer to Jesus! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
February 6, 2022
This week we kick off our Teachings of Jesus series! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.