dbKidsOnline is a weekly online lesson for those dbKids families who miss weekend services but are still desiring to have a kids lesson at home.
November 5-6, 2022
God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to bring the Rescuer through his family, but then did something surprising when He asked Abraham to do something hard - join us as we learn more. Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
October 30, 2022
5th Sunday is a day of fellowship and fun! Join us as we take a break from our unit and watch VeggieTales “Rack, Shack, and Benny”! Next week we will dive back into the story of Abraham and Isaac. Welcome to dbKidsOnline! Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
October 22-23, 2022
Who is in control of everything? God of course! God’s solution for sin became clearer when God made a covenant with Abraham. God promised to bring the Rescuer through Abraham’s family - join us as we learn more. Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
October 15-16, 2022
What does it mean to sin? This weekend we see the consequences of people ignoring God’s plan in the story of the Tower of Babel. Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
October 8-9, 2022
What does it mean to sin? This weekend we see a foreshadowing of God’s great redemptive plan as he saves Noah from the flood. Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
October 1-2, 2022
What does it mean to sin? We dig further into Genesis this weekend with the story of Cain and Abel! Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
September 24-25, 2022
What does it mean to sin? We dig into Genesis 3 this weekend! Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
September 17-18, 2022
Why did God create everything? As we continue reflecting on God’s creation, we read Psalm 19 to get the answer. Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
September 10-11, 2022
Why did God create everything? As we move into God creating man and woman, let’s continue to think about and answer this question! Welcome to dbKidsOnline. Our video will go live Saturday at 6pm!
September 3-4, 2022
Here is our weekly dbKidsOnline lesson where we will be answering the question, “why did God create everything?” Our video will now go live Saturday at 6pm!
August 27-28, 2022
Here is our weekly dbKidsOnline lesson about being a "Going & Glorifying" Believer! Our video will now go live Saturday at 6pm!
August 21, 2022
dbKids is looking a little different! We are now posting only one weekly online lesson for those dbKids families who miss weekend services but are still desiring to have a kids lesson at home. We will be referring to this as our dbKidsOnline lesson! Our video will still go live Sunday at 8am!
August 13-14, 2022
This weekend, Saturday night service kids and dbKids Disciples will be going over the story of Job. Sunday, the nursery will be learning about how God made our hands & fingers, ages 3 through 4th grade will be going over the 2nd G of DBCC: “growing”, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be going over why we can trust the Bible. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am!
August 6-7, 2022
This first weekend in August is our first weekend open for Saturday night service (ages 3 through 5th grade!) On Sunday, the nursery will be learning about how God made us all uniquely and wonderfully, ages 3 through 4th grade will be going over the first of the 5 Gs of DBCC, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be continuing their lesson on Truth from last week! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
July 31, 2022
This 5th Sunday, our littlest dbKids will be learning about the family tree, ages 3 through 5th grade will be enjoying worship, fellowship & review, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be discussing who defines truth. Our 5th Sunday Rewind video will go live Sunday at 8am.
July 24, 2022
This weekend is Promotion Weekend for all School-Age kids! Our littlest dbKids are learning about how God made Grandparents, ages 3 through 4th grade will be reading the story of Elisha and Naaman, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be getting acquainted with their new classroom! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
July 17, 2022
This weekend looks a little different!! The littlest dbKids are learning about how God made Brothers & Sisters, ages 3 through Kindergarten will be recapping VBS with a VeggieTales about Joseph, and all elementary will be in service with their families hearing our Children’s Pastor preach! Our Main Service will go live Sunday at 9am.
July 10, 2022
This weekend, the littlest dbKids are learning about how God made Moms, ages 3 through 4th grade will be reading the story of Elisha and the famine, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be continuing their transition to Youth by taking a field trip to Anomaly. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
July 3, 2022
This first weekend in July, the littlest dbKids are starting to take a closer look at the core family unit, ages 3 through 4th grade will be starting the Stories of Elisha, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be beginning their transition to Youth by taking a field trip to Anomaly. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.
June 26, 2022
This last week of our Ruth series, the littlest dbKids will be learning about neighborhood communities, ages 3 through 4th grade will be learning how God always takes care of us, and our 2nd service 5th graders will be continuing with their current series discussing how God has a mission for His believers. Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.