New Year Goals

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The new year can be a great time for learning or reinforcing habits. Goal setting is a great way to encourage children with their decision-making skills and helps foster an understanding of commitment. These are some tips to help learn about how to make realistic goals for the new year!

  1. Start a Conversation: Ask your child what they would like to accomplish this year, and why. Remember to be open and do the same with them.

  2. Create a SMART Goal (see below)

  3. Enhance the Goal: Once the goals have been defined, make a fun visual board to help remember and keep track of.

  4. Follow up: Check in with your child and periodically review their progress and encourage them.

Examples of SMART Goals: I will brush my teeth before school and before bed every day. I will read for 15 minutes each day. I will help clean up after dinner on the weekends.


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