dbKidsOnline is a weekly online lesson for those dbKids families who miss weekend services but are still desiring to have a kids lesson at home.
November 25-26, 2023
This week we begin our Advent Countdown with the story of Mary and Joseph in Luke, and the prophet Jeremiah. Many prophets, including Jeremiah, foretold of God’s promise to send a Savior to Israel. But God’s plan wasn’t exactly fulfilled how people thought it would be.
November 18-19, 2023
This week for Thanksgiving, we recall Jesus healing the ten lepers in Luke Chapter 17 and how only one showed thanks and praised God for his healing. We can and should show gratitude for Jesus's work: paying the consequences of our sins and giving us the opportunity to accept a restored relationship with God.
November 11-12, 2023
We read in Isaiah 44 that God told the prophet Isaiah to tell His people that their idols were worthless. The people looked to them for help, but only God could save them from their sin. God alone is worthy of our worship, and we too can turn from our idols and worship Jesus!
November 4-5, 2023
Summing up our unit on God’s mercy, we read in Luke 18 that Jesus told a story of a pharisee and a tax collector. While the pharisee looked down on the tax collector, the tax collector knew he had sinned and asked God for forgiveness and mercy. Everyone is a sinner who needs God’s forgiveness and mercy. We can cry out to God like the tax collector because of Jesus, who took the punishment for our sin.
October 28-29, 2023
5th Sunday is a day of fellowship, worship in main service, and fun! Join us as we take a break from our unit and watch Story Keepers Episode 3 (Owlegories for our younger kiddos)! Next week we tie up our unit on King Solomon.
October 21-22, 2023
In our unit study of King Solomon and the topic of mercy, we see that though God had blessed Solomon, Solomon continued to want more and more. This angered God, and the Kingdom would become divided. God’s people needed a better King. And we can be glad that later, God did send a better one - His own son, Jesus!
October 14-15, 2023
As we continue learning about King Solomon and the topic of mercy, we see that Solomon began to build a temple for the Lord. This is where God would meet His people and accept sacrifices. This points us to Jesus today, who offers us forgiveness, new life, and dwells within us if we trust in Him.
October 7-8, 2023
This weekend we begin our unit on King Solomon and the topic of mercy. Solomon, David’s son, was a wise king who wanted to do God's plan. Solomon wasn't perfect, but God had a plan to give His people a greater and wiser king-His Son, Jesus.
September 30-October 1, 2023
This weekend we finish up this unit on King David by reading Psalm 51. King David confessed his sins to God and spoke of His grace and compassion as he asked God to change his own heart. Next week we begin our unit on Solomon!
September 23-24, 2023
This weekend we read 2 Samuel 11-12, a very heartbreaking story of covetousness, deceit, and even death. Yet, God is a God of mercy and grace. David repented of his sin and God forgave him - but David learned sin always comes with a price.
September 16-17, 2023
This weekend we read 2 Samuel 6-7 and see how God made a covenant with David. We will continue studying the concept of grace and see how God would fulfill His promise through Jesus.
September 9-10, 2023
This weekend we continue with David, and the story of his infamous battle with Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. We continue asking the question, what is grace?
September 2-3, 2023
This weekend we begin a new unit covering King David and how God chose him to be king. This unit we are asking the question, what is grace?
August 26-27, 2023
This week we wrap up our review of the 5 G’s of Christianity in dbKids with the concept of a “going & glorifying” Christian. What does it look like to be a Christian? How can we go and glorify God in all we do?
August 19-20, 2023
This week we continue our review of the 5 G’s of Christianity in dbKids with the concept of a “giving” Christian. What does it look like to be a Christian? How can we give like Jesus gave?
August 12-13, 2023
This week we continue our review of the 5 G’s of Christianity in dbKids with the concept of a “growing” Christian. What does it look like to be a Christian? What does it mean to grow in our faith?
August 5-6, 2023
This week we begin our annual review of the 5 G’s of Christianity in dbKids, beginning with “Genuine”. What does it look like to be a Christian? What does it look like to be genuine Christians?
July 29-30, 2023
5th Sunday is a day of fellowship and fun! Join us as we take a break from our unit and watch Story Keepers Episode 2! Next week we begin our annual review of the 5 G’s of Christianity.
July 22-23, 2023
God is the judge over all the earth, and He always does what is right. God will punish the guilty. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus took the punishment our sin deserves, and everyone who trusts Him is declared righteous before God.
July 15-16, 2023
God made Saul king, but King Saul did not obey God. God sent His Son, Jesus, to be King over everything. King Jesus obeyed God perfectly, even to death, for our forgiveness and salvation.