dbKidsOnline is a weekly online lesson for those dbKids families who miss weekend services but are still desiring to have a kids lesson at home.
January 18-19, 2025
Jesus shared parables to emphasize his message to those around. It is from these parables we can see God’s heart and who He cares for. As we read Luke 15, we see how God’s love is shown to the world.
January 11-12, 2025
In Matthew 6, Jesus spoke during the Sermon on the Mount of several actions that true and genuine belief will produce. Jesus speaks of giving, prayer, fasting, and holding a right perspective. He emphasized the subject of faith and works so we can have a right perspective in both areas of life.
January 4-5, 2025
The beginning of The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 contains what we often call the “Beatitudes.” In these passages we get to see from Jesus’ perspective of the world and how we should live our lives with character.
November 16-17, 2024
Through Jesus’ miracles of feeding the crowd, we find the gospel message: rest your heart to feast on Jesus and you will live. (John 6:51). Only in Christ will we find forgiveness, satisfaction, and life eternal. We can turn to Jesus and be reminded that in Him we have all we need.
November 9-10, 2024
When someone you know is sick, how do you respond? Do you press in with compassion and prayer, offering to take a meal? are you temped to withdraw and leave their needs to others? In today’s passage, we will see Jesus repeatedly draw near to people in their time of need.
November 2-3, 2024
When Jesus calmed the storm, we read that His disciples experienced tremendous fear. Their fear was so great, they believed they would perish in the storm. Yet, Jesus experiences the same violent storm and rather than quake in fear, He slept.
Oct 26-27, 2024
Faith is a common theme throughout the Bible. We may not find the word faith on every page, however, in nearly every description of what God expects of His people, there is at least an indication of faith. In this lesson we take a close look at what faith is!
Sept 21-22, 2024
The ultimate example of God's love is Jesus, who said "Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another" (John 13:34). God is love, and God is loving. As we grow, may we remember this more often in our lives. Lord willing, others will see Him through our reflections of His love.
Sept 14-15, 2024
Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well and told her that whoever drinks from the water He gives will never be thirsty again. This led to the woman realizing that Jesus offers something better than physical water; He gives us Himself. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to everyone who comes to Him by faith. We can worship Him as Lord and Savior wherever we are because He loves us so much.
Sept 7-8, 2024
Nicodemus was a Pharisee who studied the scriptures in the time of Jesus and wanted to know more about Him. While meeting, Jesus said some confusing things that Nicodemus didn't understand yet - because he knew God, but not yet that Jesus was fulfilling His plan. Jesus hinted that He would be saving us all from our sins on the cross and giving us new life - and told Nicodemus that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son for us!
Aug 31-Sept 1, 2024
When Jesus first began calling disciples, He used two words: "Follow Me." He didn't say "clean yourself up" or "work harder." The call to follow Jesus is a call to our souls to find rest. He invites us to be with Him and enjoy Him. Let's look at the story of Jesus calling the disciples.
August 24-25, 2024
What is a Going & Glorifying Christian? God calls all Christians to "go and make disciples of every nation" (Matt 28:19). God wants everyone to know about His gift of salvation. That purpose can only be fulfilled if we will "let [our] lights shine before others, so that they may see [our] good works and give glory to [our] Father" (Matt 5:16). Let's take a look at the 4th & 5th G of our series.
August 17-18, 2024
What is a Giving Christian? Growth in our relationship with Christ should bring comprehension of the magnitude of what God has done by solving our sin problem. A desire to "serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace," comes from the marriage of gratitude for what God has given to us and the growing love for others that they would know God's love as well. Let's take a look at the third G of the 5 G series.
August 10-11, 2024
What is a Growing Christian? When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we start a direct relationship with Him. If we receive nothing besides salvation we would still be blessed beyond comprehension; however, God's loving plan doesn't stop there. God calls us to exercise spiritual disciplines and to grow. Let's take a look at the second G of the 5 G series.
August 3-4, 2024
What is a Genuine Christian? How do we know if we are truly following Christ or simply going with the flow? The starting point is to acknowledge our need for a relationship with God and to recognize that Jesus is the way to have that relationship. Through confession of sin and the Lordship of Christ we become Genuine Christians and become part of the family of God. “…To all who receive Him (Jesus), to those who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God…” John 1:12. Let's take a look at the first G of the 5 G series.
July 27-28, 2024
We've all felt some degree of hunger at one time or another. We may have had a long day and feel the hunger from missing a meal not eating much. Jesus was hungry when he was in the wilderness, and it was there that Satan tempted him to desire things different than His heavenly Father's will. Jesus set the ultimate example for us to hunger only for God's way.
July 20-21, 2024
In the Gospel accounts of Jesus' baptism, we see John the Baptist offer words of warning that lead us back to the question “what gives you hope?” John warned the Pharisees sternly that no family, tradition, or outward practice is sufficient to pay for the consequences of sin. It is only by accepting the grace of God received through faith and repentance that we are saved. That is good news and John the Baptist preached that news!
July 13-14, 2024
This weekend we read how Jesus was born and dedicated! God had promised the birth of His son, the coming of a Savior. When Simeon and Anna saw Baby Jesus, they knew he was the Messiah, the Savior. We can trust Jesus to save us from our sins and just like Simeon and Anna - we can tell other people the good news!
March 30-31, 2024
Jesus’ death and resurrection are what we celebrate during Easter. We celebrate because Jesus helped humanity’s broken relationship with God, and His actions created a way to mend that broken relationship. He became our Savior, taking the penalty of our sins upon Himself. However, we don’t just serve a Savior who willingly died for us - but also rose from the dead! Hallelujah!
December 26, 2021
This final week of December and lesson of this series, we celebrate the coming of Jesus, the awaited one! Our video will go live Sunday at 8am.