dbKidsOnline is a weekly online lesson for those dbKids families who miss weekend services but are still desiring to have a kids lesson at home.
January 25-26, 2025
Jesus had a specific purpose in everything He did. However, He was not always understood by his disciples. Jesus took time to explain His parables and we see this when Jesus talks in Matthew 13 about God’s Kingdom.
January 18-19, 2025
Jesus shared parables to emphasize his message to those around. It is from these parables we can see God’s heart and who He cares for. As we read Luke 15, we see how God’s love is shown to the world.
January 11-12, 2025
In Matthew 6, Jesus spoke during the Sermon on the Mount of several actions that true and genuine belief will produce. Jesus speaks of giving, prayer, fasting, and holding a right perspective. He emphasized the subject of faith and works so we can have a right perspective in both areas of life.
January 4-5, 2025
The beginning of The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 contains what we often call the “Beatitudes.” In these passages we get to see from Jesus’ perspective of the world and how we should live our lives with character.
November 9-10, 2024
When someone you know is sick, how do you respond? Do you press in with compassion and prayer, offering to take a meal? are you temped to withdraw and leave their needs to others? In today’s passage, we will see Jesus repeatedly draw near to people in their time of need.